It is essential to maintain it regularly to prevent costly issues. This instructional video will help you understand everything you need about Septic maintenance.
The septic tank is basically a water treatment plant situated in your backyard. Plumbing pipes from your house are connected to the septic tanks, where wastewater is treated. The treated water is released into the drain field.
The common household cleaners could cause difficulties for a septic. If these cleaners are used too often they can cause difficulties. Additionally, it is important to avoid pouring cooking oil or grease through the drains.
Don’t flush paint thinners along with cigarettes, pharmaceuticals, solvents or any other chemical. Your septic tank should be cleaned at least once every three years, even in the event that it’s maintained. The frequency will vary based on rules in the place where in which you reside.
To maintain your home for regular maintenance, it’s possible to buy special cleaners that are dumped down the drain to clear out any debris. Baking soda, vinegar and boiling water are all great options. All depends on what your budget allows.
If you’d like to know more on septic maintenance, click on the link to watch the above video.