a study that was done on children in Chicago that came from low income households found that the ones who attended preschool were almost 30 percent less likely to wind up developing problems involving drug or alcohol abuse or get thrown in jail versus those who did not have preschool style child care. Even though preschool can provide some sort of academic learning for children, the best child care services can teach them far more about how to develop their social skills. The right daycare provider will make sure that your child gets every chance in the world to enjoy new experiences and ultimately take them in.
A typical child of two years can pick up about five new words every day and by sending them to a third party child care environment, the probability is that they will learn even more. You will find that daytime child care can also help your child to develop their brain better since by the time a child is three, they will have made about a thousand trillion connections between their brain cells; twice what an adult can do. In addition, a toddler’s ears are more sensitive to noises at higher frequencies so you should choose a child care service provider who can create a calming environment that will not alarm them with too many noises. In doing so, it will help your child to learn at a faster rate.
The things that your child learns in preschool will prove to be invaluable to their development later on as well. With a strong educational background and knowledge of all the social protocols, your child will do better in regular school. You can also bet that they will find it easier to make friends.
If you want to give your child the best in life, you will do well to diligently research the right child care providers to work with them. This search should begin with you looking different establishments up online and end with you physically visiting them to make sure that they are up to your standards. Taking these precautions will help your child to get the best help possible.
You can bet that your child will thank you for what you did once they reach adulthood. The truth is that they are likely to get further in life because you started them on the educational process so early. That knowledge will help them for the rest of their life.
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