Much of the power of the internet is derived from the fact that it makes it easier than ever for people to get the updates and information they need about virtually any topic imaginable. By simply typing a question or subject into a search engine, you can be directed to a number of different world encyclopedia online sites and programs that are loaded with information. Because online reference books are so helpful and easy to use, the internet has become the best resource available for doing research or simply browsing casually, replacing traditions like going to the library and burying your head in dusty old books.
Perhaps a more convenient alternative to world encyclopedia online sites is Wikipedia. The site is known as “the free encyclopedia” and is both read and edited by volunteer users. In fact, anybody has the ability to create a Wiki article about any topic. As a result, Wikipedia tends to be a great source for people who are looking for general information. Whether you need a recipe for family dinner, are looking for information about a town you are about to visit, or just want to look up someone whose name you heard on Jeopardy, doing so on Wikipedia might be the easiest option.
Additionally, because it is so easy to contribute to the site, Wikipedia has millions of articles and pages. There are an estimated 4.3 million Wikipedia articles written in English and it claims to have some 77,000 active contributors. Everyone who writes on Wikipedia will have a different background, so the information that can be found covers nearly every topic that you can think of. And, good articles link to actual research papers and other sources for better sourcing and more comprehensive information.
Though Wikipedia can be a helpful tool, there are some concerns. Primarily, because anyone can write on the site and editors can’t catch every missed fact, it can be hard to trust the information from Wikipedia. So when doing a research paper or looking for accurate facts for work, you might want to double check after looking there. Scholarly sources and articles and World Encyclopedia online are more reliable, so sourcing them is a better idea. Fortunately, today, you don’t have to do anything more than open a new tab on your web browser to find them.