Children that attend preschool and day care have been found to be more likely to obtain a high school diploma. Preschool and day care programs and enrolling for private kindergarten can help parents by providing them with a place for their children to develop adequate social skills before they enter school.
The cost of day care is very important to many parents, and therefore is a big part of choosing a day care. Interestingly, some families are actually eligible for financial aid to assist with child care in the United States. Some companies even provide corporate day care; parents can come to work and leave their children in an on-site day care, then pick them up at the end of the day.
Children that attend day care programs are more likely to earn an average of about $5,000 more than their peers who did not. Because of the importance of early development, more and more parents are realizing the benefits of finding child care facilities and even enrolling for private kindergarten for their children.
The brain development process is about 90 percent complete by the age of five, which makes the learning process during that time imperative to future success. Therefore, day care and preschool programs truly make a difference in helping parents and children alike. Find out more about this topic here.