It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child, and most people find this to be true. Children can be a lot of work, and no man or woman should feel like they are an island, operating independently of anyone else’s help, especially if they are trying to juggle a career and a family. In the United States, it seems that the corporate world has forgotten about the village concept, creating a rift between the dream career path an individual may want to pursue and the dream family life he or she so desires. No one should have to choose one or the other, and some companies are starting to make it easier for their employees to have the promising career and healthy home life as well.
Creating activities for children in the workplace
Finding a daycare is often an added stress to the working parents who already have plenty on their financial plates. It should not be considered progressive to include a daycare in the workplace, it should be viewed as a return to the proper values of a healthy American family. In this country, around 90% of childcare costs are taken on by the parents. But childcare and workplace productivity should not be mutually exclusive, nor should a family have to spend ridiculous amounts of money for the peace of mind that while they attempt to make ends meet, their child is being properly cared for. So now, there are companies that provide daycare services onsite. Parents can rest assured that their child is safe, cared for, learning, and nearby, and this increases employee loyalty as well as improves concentration on the job. In addition, employers will often subsidize the cost of childcare at the facility, so the parents are not paying obscene amounts of money. These types of programs, that provide activities for children in the workplace, can make the employer or business offering it a more desirable fit for a potential employee, and can also keep current employees happily employed there for longer than if they had to scramble to pay for other services or drive out of the way to drop the children off elsewhere.
The importance of stimulating activities for children in the workplace
Corporate sponsored daycare will often offer activities that promote early child education. Having educational activities in early child care programs is crucial to the development of the young ones. Even just allowing the children to explore, interact with others and discover new things helps to stimulate their growing, sponge-like little brains. A human being in the first few years of his or her life has the capacity to absorb more information at once than they ever will again in their lives. An average 4 year old kid will ask about 437 questions a day. It is a great big beautiful world to a child who is filled with wide-eyed wonder, and why shouldn’t they see it that way? After all, everything is new for them. They get to learn all of the things that we have taken for granted for years. And the fact that they can be doing all of this amazing exploring and growing not far from where mom or dad is working is the ideal situation. Parents can be confident that their children are in good hands, and that they won’t have to miss out on the important moments by being too far away at work. Educational activities for children in the workplace resolves a problem that perhaps should never have existed.
Dream jobs and ideal careers are important. Being a good parent, developing a solid relationship with your child, and helping them to develop into the wonderful person they have the potential to be is also important. You shouldn’t have to choose one path over the other. Enjoy all the parts of life you were meant to experience.